About the Founder of Toy Crazy, Melissa Moore.

Learn about the founder of Toy Crazy Stores, Melissa Moore. 

While earning a bachelor’s degree in Media Arts and Communication at Chico State University, Melissa worked on holidays at the same toy store she grew up working in; furthering her knowledge and passion for the toy business and parenting. After returning home from college, her first toy store boss convinced her to stay on at the store beyond part time work.

Melissa Moore, Founder of Toy Crazy StoresAs her boss came to retirement years she wanted to find someone who could carry on the legacy of her business. After a wide search for buyers she found the best suitor right under her nose. Melissa seized the opportunity by bringing an expanded vision for the store and business and quickly got the financial backing of family and friends.

Her teen and college years of working in the toy business taught her the basics of the toy business; her parenting of daughter, Cassidy; and her years of listening to the needs of customers and parents gave her many ideas for fulfilling the life of a child and enriching the parenting experience.

Melissa’s creative vision is the blueprint for Toy Crazy stores and the joy her and her staff and the stores bring to families across California and around the world.

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